Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Sat-Nav's Lament

[Insert obligatory, “Gosh it’s been a long time since I posted here but I’ve got something I wanted to share!” introductory paragraph.]

We have a sat-nav, quite an old-fashioned one nowadays in that it isn’t built into the car, but adheres to the inside of the windscreen. It’s extremely useful for long and/or unfamiliar journeys, but it does occasionally seem to tire of dual carriageways and motorways, and to pine for the high mountains, deep forests and forgotten corners of the country far from any road with anything as gauche as lines up the middle. It claims that these narrow, rocky trails are the quickest way to wherever we’re supposed to be going, but I am not convinced. It’s with all of this in mind that I wrote the following. The first version ended up being far sadder than I intended, so I’ve toned it down for this version, which hopefully is a little more light-hearted:


The Sat-Nav's Lament

I live inside a little box,

Attached to your windscreen.

But I want to look on wondrous sights,

And go where no-one's been.

I want to hide from desert storms,

And gaze on the Aurora.

I don't want to be a Sat-Nav,

But to be a great explorer!

I want to plumb the ocean depths,

Or chart a hidden bay.

Instead, I pootle up and down,

A dual carriageway.

I want to find beasts thought extinct,

Where science least expects it.

Instead, I say, "In fifty yards,

Cross the roundabout, third exit."

I yearn to hack through jungles hot,

And ski on virgin snows,

Find from whence the river runs,

And whence the blizzard blows.

I'll never drive off packs of wolves,

Put polar bears to flight.

Instead the closest that I get;

"In eighty yards, bear right."

I drive along dull motorways,

And other boring roads,

Directing dreary people,

As they ferry dreary loads.

Although I may sound cool and calm,

Inside I am bereft.

I pine for sights I'll never see,

But simply say, "Turn left."

"Stay on this road for forty miles."

I stifle weary sighs,

As I utter boring phrases,

And I dream of unseen skies.

I want to find lost cities,

New fauna and new flora,

But alas I'm just a Sat-Nav,

And not a great explorer.

But then one day upon the road,

Some mountains caught the light.

Some quick adjustments to our course;

"In twenty yards, turn right!"

So now we roam on rugged trails,

Where mighty eagles soar.

I may be just a Sat-Nav,

But I'm going to explore!


Copyright Thomas Jones 2025

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